Twenty Kitchen Decluttering Items

Twenty Kitchen Decluttering Items. Is there a growing sense of clutter and stuff you don’t use in your kitchen? If so, I offer a task that will assist you in quickly clearing out the kitchen! When I’m working on a space, I find that timing my decluttering really helps me get things moving. The whole point of this is to declutter as much as you can in a set period of time (I find that thirty minutes works great).

During this period, you are not taking everything out of the cupboards, you are not looking at everything you own, and you are not reorganizing. Your only concern is examining your possessions and selecting what to donate, sell (exercise caution as this one may wind up costing you more time and stress than it is worth!), or throw out.

Twenty Kitchen Decluttering Items

How to begin the process of clearing out the kitchen

All you need to get started are a few large garbage bags and some boxes to store the stuff you plan to discard. Although that’s not really the focus of this particular challenge, you could also want to have a bin for things that you find about the house.

When you’re ready to start, simply set the timer and proceed through your space in a methodical manner, swiftly going through all of your surfaces, drawers, and cabinets to see what you can get rid of. Although I prefer to work in one direction across the room, you are welcome to work your way top to bottom if that is more comfortable for you. Imagine yourself on a game show, the clock is ticking, and the audience is encouraging you to collect as much as you can! 🙂

When it comes to actually clearing out and organizing your cupboards and drawers, this will save you time even though it might not get rid of everything you need to declutter. Setting a timer, in my experience, helps me make a snap decision instead of second-guessing whether or not I truly need the item. It also adds a sense of urgency. To be honest, it can probably go if you don’t state “I love this” or “I use this” right away. It won’t benefit anyone to spend time worrying about that “someday” scenario that you might or might not require.

Twenty Kitchen Decluttering Items


Sorting through your belongings should be done fast, and you should decide what to keep and what to donate right away. Try asking yourself these questions if you’re feeling a little stuck.

Do I utilize this? It shouldn’t take you too long to consider this. It’s either something you use or not. Be aware that “Will I possibly use this one day?” is not the correct question to ask.

Is this a bonus item? What is the actual number of wooden spoons required? Are all four cookie sheets actually used? Regularly assess what you require and utilize. For those “one-time” occasions, keep in mind that you may always borrow anything from friends or relatives. Select your favorite and give the extras to charity!

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Would I purchase this now? This is an extremely useful question, in my opinion, while looking at ornamental objects. Consider whether you still adore it and whether it still fits your style. Does it enhance the space’s beauty or utility, or does it only add to the clutter?

Does this contribute to an easier life for me? You might have certain things that aren’t truly necessities, but you use them frequently and they make life easier. For instance, we use our rice cooker at least once or twice a week. It helps things go more smoothly, yet I could make rice on the stove instead of using the rice maker. You can undoubtedly overspend on certain things as long as they have a purpose for you!

Twenty Kitchen Decluttering Items


This list is merely meant to serve as a jumping off point. Do what works for you, keeping in mind that things that are essential to you might not be significant to others!

Recipe books. Give away cookbooks that you have finished using. If you have cookbooks that you only use for one or two recipes, you might choose to write those recipes down and store them in a recipe box or binder instead of keeping the entire book. Should you maintain recipe magazines, cut off the pages you want to save and arrange them in a binder.

Cooking equipment such as wooden spoons.

Paper towels. Sort through all of the dish towels and throw away the ones that are beyond repair. Consider if you really need to use every one of the towels you still have. If not, donate them or, if they aren’t in good enough shape to donate, use them to make rags. Larger dish towels are frequently glad to be accepted by animal shelters.

Making Bread. Search for additional, used, or outdated muffin tins, pie pans, cookie sheets, etc.

Cleaning Materials. Make a list of your cleaning goods and discard those that you are not using. Combine any bottles you have that are holding the same product. To ensure that you finish them first, move the nearly empty bottles to the front of your collection.

Twenty Kitchen Decluttering Items

Combine Bowls.

Benchtops. A cluttered countertop is the single thing that makes your kitchen appear dirtier, and it also makes the counters much harder to clean and keep tidy. Get rid of unnecessary paperwork, tiny appliances that are not used frequently (you could always stow them away if you do use them occasionally), and ornaments you do not particularly enjoy.

Hot pads and oven mitts.

condiments. It’s highly likely that you possess a few spices in your pantry that you rarely use. Throw away any spices that are no longer flavorful or that you don’t use. Attempt simply keeping the staple spices on hand stocked. If you find yourself in need of any spices for a certain dish in the future, you may always try purchasing a modest quantity of bulk spices.

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Twenty Kitchen Decluttering Items

ceramic pottery.

Pantry Products. Throw away anything that has been opened and is no longer needed, as well as expired goods. Give any extra supplies you have on hand that you don’t believe you’ll need to a food bank.

freezer/fridge. Throw away products that appear freezer burned or are outdated right away. Look for expiration dates on bottles; you might be shocked by what you discover!

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Food storage options such as Tupperware. Check sure the lids and bottoms match, and discard anything without a matching pair. Anything left over that you don’t use or need, donate it.


Mugs and glasses for coffee. Make a list of what you truly need. Broken or chipped glasses should be recycled. Give away any spare, mismatched parts you may have. If you collect coffee mugs, donate the remainder and save your favorites to display.


Kitchen appliances. Although they seem so wonderful, kitchen gadgets are frequently underutilized. Give away anything you no longer need OR if you can accomplish the same task with an already-owned item. Don’t hoard stuff for “someday”; just save what you actually use.

Minimalist Kitchen Equipment. Donate or sell it if you no longer need it or if another appliance would be more suitable for the job. These will provide you with a lot of value for your money because they frequently take up a lot of room!

Vitamins and Medicine. As long as it is kept in a cooler location away from the steam of the stove or other appliances, the kitchen is an excellent place to store your medication if you don’t already have it there. Ensure that any prescriptions are current, that you understand their intended uses, and that they are kept out of the reach of little children.

Trash Cabinet. Most people, I believe, have a “junk drawer” filled with random stuff. Just make sure you really need whatever you save! Search for used batteries, additional office supplies, candles, tools, extra cords or phone chargers, etc.

I hope that this aids in your ultimate kitchen decluttering! If you think 30 minutes won’t be enough, keep in mind that this is only a fast clearout of everything you plan to donate or toss. You’ll be amazed at what you can come up with if you focus on the task at hand and work fast!

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